What Can You Do to Avoid Radiation?

You can do many things to avoid radiation or limit the absorption of it into your body. 

Distance Yourself: You can be aware of items that give off lots of radiation and stay as far away as possible from them to limit the absorption of radiation into your body. You can do simple things as work outside, opposed to working in an office full of computers, when you sleep, keep electronic devices out of your room, or use blue-tooth or hands-free technology to distance yourself.

Limit time on Electronics: Electronics do give off radiation, so by limiting your exposure to them, you can limit your exposure to inbound radiation. You can do simple things such as print out articles instead of reading them through the computer, lessen the time when you are active or scrolling on an electronic device, and of course you can limit the amount of time you have your handheld device next to your head (ie: talking). 

Purchase radiation neutralizers: These products can be helpful in neutralizing the harmful radiation waves from electronics. Radiation neutralizers work by changing the harmful radiation waves to optimal wave frequencies that are not harmful to your body. Such products can be seen as stickers, bracelets, pins, necklaces, and much more. 

Purchase radiation blockers: As shown in the article: Cellular Effects Following Exposure to Mobile Phone Radiation and Its Compensation, radiation blockers can be effective. If you research and find reliable products you can limit your exposure to radiation. You could purchase items such as radiation blocker phone cases, radiation shields, or/and EMR blocking devices.

Protectant cases such as SafeSleeve phone and electronic cases. This case works with the use of a radiation sheet that is placed in the phone case. This blocks the radiation from one direction (the direction with the radiation blocker) and all of the radiation emitted from the other side of the phone.

Turning your phone on airplane mode. This blocks all signals that can enter or exit the phone, in turn stopping the radiation.(I typically do this when I go to bed, when I do not need to make or receive messages, and when I don’t need to use the internet.) 

Please note that I used an HT-M2 Microwave Leakage Detector, which detects radiation waves.