Limitations of the Data

     Based on these studies I have analyzed, it is clear that there is a lack of consistency in the results and/or findings – for which I feel there are many reasons relating to Bias.  For example, when a participant with a brain tumor is asked about their cell phone usage, because of a brain tumor they may have an altered memory of what really happened because of symptoms from the tumor. Relating to this, there could have been inaccurate reporting on some studies because many people likely do not log the time in which they are using their phones – and, most of the questionnaire responses allowed for estimated ranges of allocation or time. Also, specifically for those studies focusing on the patients that actively have brain cancer, many brain cancer patients have a short survival rate, which can lead to uncollected data. These aspects can lead to a lack of data collection and/or inaccurate data collection. Also, one noticeably big discrepancy in the studies over time is the evolving technology. When cellular phones first came out the radiofrequency radiation levels were different than they are now, creating a disparity among study variables. Also, the advent and use of hands-free technology can lessen the radiation absorption, varying the radiation levels/total absorption among participants.