About the Writer

     My name is Hailey Nichols. I was born in 2004 in Colorado, and ever since I received my first phone, I was fixated on radiation and potentially the negative effects it could have.  I think that initial concern came from my dad, as I clearly remember him expressing similar worries with his phone’s radiation level, and seeing him call the various cell phone providers to dig deeper into what appeared to be unpublished radiation level data on the phones available then.  

     I now do the same things. Before getting a phone, or really any electronic device, I research the SAR (measure of radiofrequency radiation) values of phones and try to obtain the lowest possible SAR rated phone with the functions that I needed. 

     It is always a shock to me that people don’t know what radiation is, or at least understand that it is something to pay attention to. I have gone into telephone shops and the majority of the time customer service representatives have never heard of radiation and look at me like I am an alien when I ask for a phone’s SAR rating or information on the radiation levels. This website is my way of sharing public knowledge, and my opinion on cellphone radiation. I think that it is an important concept to understand and be aware of, and ultimately be a component that helps drive decision making when you look to purchase a mobile phone.